Tuesday, 26 February 2019

bike training

This morning and yesterday afternoon we had bike training with counties Manukau sports educators.

I really enjoyed riding around the field most because in the digging area at the back of the field there's a mulch pile that you can ride on

Here are some things I learnt:
1. We aren't allowed to do wheelies.
2. I learnt about hand signals. Raise your left arm to your left side to indicate your going left raise right hand to your right side to indicate that your going right on your bike.
3.Put your hand straight up in the air to indicate that your stopping.
4.The alphabet bike check a for air, b for brakes c for chain d for direction e for incredible.
5. I learnt how to do the 242 helmet check.

My top tip for learning how to ride a bike is go slow and get better at balancing.


  1. nice, look's like fun. if you don't know I haven't been able to blog but if you can maybe help, btw love your blog so far looking foward to seeing more

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    2. Thank you Alan for commenting on my blog. I'd love to help and thank you what was the thing you need help with I've made more and i'll be commenting on your blog soon.

  2. please check out my blog and comment tell me if good


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