Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Extreme safari

I’m in deep trouble, Today I had woken up in my five star resort and decided I felt like going on a safari. When I got to the jeep there was no one there this was gonna be a private tour as we started out I wondered why I couldn't see any animals so I asked the tour bus driver to drive over to the watering hole so he turned the jeep around and we trundeled towards the mass of water. When we reached our destination the driver said our engine had over heated so we had to get out and push the jeep to under a tree but when we got back in we heard two loud thuds something had jumped on our car It was to cheetahs and they looked hungry I hope you like my 100 word challenge. Enjoy :p


  1. Kia Ora Keane My name is Felix and I really like you 100 word challenge I remember when I did my 100 word challenge. Have you ever tried doing a 200 word challenge. Thanks for sharing your learning with me. Please check out my blog http://odsfelixf.blogspot.com/
    blog ya later Felix.

  2. Kia Ora Felix. Thanks for comment. A challenge That i faced when completing this task was figuring what words to use and yes I have done a 200 word challenge.

    Have you tried a 1000 word challenge?


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