The turtle shoves its legs out of the shell. It flutters its eyes, shaking the sand out of them as it looked at the beach ahead. Soon, he would be free. Soon, he would have to tackle his next enormous challenge. It wasn’t going to be easy. His epic journey was only just beginning. CAAWWWW. A noise that chilled my blood (hey just wait a moment, turtles are cold blooded aren’t , they.) Three enormous albatross were perched on a jagged piece of wood that had rotted away like the rest of the wharf. CAAWWWW they swooped down on me EEKKKKK they were going to eat me, I scuttled through the sand.
As fast as I could go I headed towards the trees for cover. Phew i’m safe! “at least for now” I thought Brrr I’m getting quite cold the dark cold shadows were looming over me maybe I should out from the shadows and into the sun but then the albatross might come back though I have no choice I made a run for it CAAWWWW the albatross were back and they were gaining “ I might make it “ I thought splash! I landed in the water with a flying leap I swam out to the opening of the bay when I had a thought as a plastic bag floated past me looking suspiciously like a big jellyfish "Imagine that the world is plastic free and our oceans are perfect" when something sped through the water and CHOMP! A tiger shark ate the baby turtle.
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