Thump a invisible force shook the house jolting me from my slumber I blearily stumbled out of my room rubbing chunks of sleep from my eyes my hand reached for the handle and nearly fell on my face when I put my hands out to stop myself from falling I realized my door was gone when I looked back at what I had tripped over I saw my whole house was gone apart from my bed and I had tripped over a thick gnarly root and I was surrounded by trees which was even more weird cause I lived in a big city with only about one or two trees on each road but here there was so much trees I could hardly move around. I looked back and where their had been trees was a spiraling tunnel of vines I looked around once more and saw in the tunnel a jewelled broadsword which would have cost a fortune it was quite strange seeing it there but then I saw a skeleton dressed in plate armour which meant he'd been here since medieval times everywhere else there were other dead bodies some recant some ancient I ran into the vine tunnel and grabbed a thermal scoped submachine gun and the sword and tried to get back but there was something like a invisible bubble that I couldn't pop. I started running away from my bed shooting and slicing at anything that moved while crying maddly until suddenly I stood on some ice then slipped and whacked my head on rock. I woke up lying in a hospital bed and was told I had been asleep for a week I had been found in Antarctica clutching a jeweled sword and machine gun that I was still holding I shook my head in amazement so it wasn't a dream. Little did they know there were 4 dragons on the outside of the building one sticking its snout through the sky light.
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Friday, 6 December 2019
The tunnel
Thump a invisible force shook the house jolting me from my slumber I blearily stumbled out of my room rubbing chunks of sleep from my eyes my hand reached for the handle and nearly fell on my face when I put my hands out to stop myself from falling I realized my door was gone when I looked back at what I had tripped over I saw my whole house was gone apart from my bed and I had tripped over a thick gnarly root and I was surrounded by trees which was even more weird cause I lived in a big city with only about one or two trees on each road but here there was so much trees I could hardly move around. I looked back and where their had been trees was a spiraling tunnel of vines I looked around once more and saw in the tunnel a jewelled broadsword which would have cost a fortune it was quite strange seeing it there but then I saw a skeleton dressed in plate armour which meant he'd been here since medieval times everywhere else there were other dead bodies some recant some ancient I ran into the vine tunnel and grabbed a thermal scoped submachine gun and the sword and tried to get back but there was something like a invisible bubble that I couldn't pop. I started running away from my bed shooting and slicing at anything that moved while crying maddly until suddenly I stood on some ice then slipped and whacked my head on rock. I woke up lying in a hospital bed and was told I had been asleep for a week I had been found in Antarctica clutching a jeweled sword and machine gun that I was still holding I shook my head in amazement so it wasn't a dream. Little did they know there were 4 dragons on the outside of the building one sticking its snout through the sky light.
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