Monday, 11 November 2019

The great drain game

Today we went to the hall to talk to the guys from the great drain game about drains and water and rubbish we did three activities

  1. We did a drain game were there was a water waste treatment plant and rivers that led to the ocean we had bottles filled with different substances like urine paint and dirty nappys and we had to figure out where to put them. I learnt that you can't flush tissues down toilets they have to go in bins.
2. We did a wetlands and VR session my group which was Me, Eli, Zac, Luka, Zion-li, Ariella Brooke, Gina & Finley did the wetlands thing first were we had to identify all the native animals and plants on a picture and how it helps the environment by filtering the water through its plants. Then we did the VR it was sorta bad quality cause it didn't have straps to hold it to your head and kinda boring cause there was mostly divers and dead coral plus birds doing squat I learnt that there's and island that was covered in rubbish swept in from the sea.
3. We did a game where we had to find all the storm drains in the school grounds (not the car park) Me and Eli found 30.
I hope you enjoy reading about the great drain game. :p

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