Hope ya liked reading about the cultural festival (I apologize if I spelt any of the words wrong😂):p
Welcome to my blog! This is a place where I can share my learning journey. My blog is a collection of questions, ideas, learning in progress and finished work. Please make comments so I can learn more and improve my work. Thanks!
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
cultural festival
On the 23 third we went to the cultural festival, I was in the Niuean group we went on the outside stage at 10:30 we performed a meke, spear dance, Kafici Niue & Matako Niue. Here is some photos.
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Time traveler
A new beginning
The turtle shoves its legs out of the shell. It flutters its eyes, shaking the sand out of them as it looked at the beach ahead. Soon, he would be free. Soon, he would have to tackle his next enormous challenge. It wasn’t going to be easy. His epic journey was only just beginning. CAAWWWW. A noise that chilled my blood (hey just wait a moment, turtles are cold blooded aren’t , they.) Three enormous albatross were perched on a jagged piece of wood that had rotted away like the rest of the wharf. CAAWWWW they swooped down on me EEKKKKK they were going to eat me, I scuttled through the sand.
As fast as I could go I headed towards the trees for cover. Phew i’m safe! “at least for now” I thought Brrr I’m getting quite cold the dark cold shadows were looming over me maybe I should out from the shadows and into the sun but then the albatross might come back though I have no choice I made a run for it CAAWWWW the albatross were back and they were gaining “ I might make it “ I thought splash! I landed in the water with a flying leap I swam out to the opening of the bay when I had a thought as a plastic bag floated past me looking suspiciously like a big jellyfish "Imagine that the world is plastic free and our oceans are perfect" when something sped through the water and CHOMP! A tiger shark ate the baby turtle.
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
Tuesday, 12 November 2019
The whale shark!
Hope ya like my writing. Enjoy :p
Monday, 11 November 2019
The great drain game
Today we went to the hall to talk to the guys from the great drain game about drains and water and rubbish we did three activities
- We did a drain game were there was a water waste treatment plant and rivers that led to the ocean we had bottles filled with different substances like urine paint and dirty nappys and we had to figure out where to put them. I learnt that you can't flush tissues down toilets they have to go in bins.
2. We did a wetlands and VR session my group which was Me, Eli, Zac, Luka, Zion-li, Ariella Brooke, Gina & Finley did the wetlands thing first were we had to identify all the native animals and plants on a picture and how it helps the environment by filtering the water through its plants. Then we did the VR it was sorta bad quality cause it didn't have straps to hold it to your head and kinda boring cause there was mostly divers and dead coral plus birds doing squat I learnt that there's and island that was covered in rubbish swept in from the sea.
3. We did a game where we had to find all the storm drains in the school grounds (not the car park) Me and Eli found 30.
Friday, 8 November 2019
Writing WK3
Week 3
WALT vary our sentences
Name: Keane
Day 2: The haunted house
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHoooooooooooooooHOOohhhhhhhhh a ghostly sound snaked through the tall dark trees shrouded in a curtain of darkness like a wolf was howling but in a cold and shrieking tone the noise rooting my feet to the ground and sent a cold shiver down my spine I had not heard such a sound since I’d heard the screech of my black dragon doombringer’s sonic scream. I wondered what had made the noise as I walked carefully through the woods searching for the source of that awful sound when I saw a Mansion in the trees with a dark black mist surrounding it once again I heard the noise it seemed to be emitting from the building my heart started racing with excitement and my breaths got faster and shorter there was a dark oak door with a brass door handle in the darkness it looked like nothing was there what gave it away was the handle I saw a brass doorbell that matched the handle I pressed the bell inside the house was a noise “DING DONG DING DONG” it seemed to say. Crrrrrreeeeeeeak the door opened and I stepped inside I felt a tingling feeling rushing over me I looked down and stared in shock I’d turned transparent CRASH the door slammed shut
Hi this is my Writing WK3 sorry I haven't completed day 3 & 1 but hope you enjoy. Blog ya later
WALT vary our sentences
Name: Keane
Day 2: The haunted house
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHoooooooooooooooHOOohhhhhhhhh a ghostly sound snaked through the tall dark trees shrouded in a curtain of darkness like a wolf was howling but in a cold and shrieking tone the noise rooting my feet to the ground and sent a cold shiver down my spine I had not heard such a sound since I’d heard the screech of my black dragon doombringer’s sonic scream. I wondered what had made the noise as I walked carefully through the woods searching for the source of that awful sound when I saw a Mansion in the trees with a dark black mist surrounding it once again I heard the noise it seemed to be emitting from the building my heart started racing with excitement and my breaths got faster and shorter there was a dark oak door with a brass door handle in the darkness it looked like nothing was there what gave it away was the handle I saw a brass doorbell that matched the handle I pressed the bell inside the house was a noise “DING DONG DING DONG” it seemed to say. Crrrrrreeeeeeeak the door opened and I stepped inside I felt a tingling feeling rushing over me I looked down and stared in shock I’d turned transparent CRASH the door slammed shut
Hi this is my Writing WK3 sorry I haven't completed day 3 & 1 but hope you enjoy. Blog ya later
Writing WK2
Week 2
WALT vary our sentences
Teacher/ Peer Feedback
Part 4: Moving through mystery
“Groan” my dust covered eyes I saw an old man leaning over me then as he saw I was awake he gently rose me to my feet then everything went black. When I next woke there was sharp pains in my right arm and hand as if it was stuck in a bush of thorns then the world faded once more. Uuuggghhh I felt something shake me “not yet mum just five more minutes” I groaned but then the scent of fish wafted up my and I jolted awake like I’d had a heat seeking turbo propelled up my rear were it exploded. When I looked up at who was shaking me yelped in fright and jumped out of my hay bed and then I noticed my arm was wrapped in a yellow bandage and there was sickly but sweet smell coming from it when I looked at the creature that had startled me so much which I identified as a dragon which I was told later that their really called thunderbirds. “BACK featherstorm BACK” a young man was shouting at the dragon once the dragon retreated back to the stalls I looked at the man was wearing buckskin breeches and a leather shirt. The man shook my hand introduced himself as yellow cloud of the cloud people also known as the thunder clan their leader was firestar there were four clans the thunder clan, the shadow clan, river clan and leaf clan. Suddenly I gave a start there was a tiger sleeping on top of three trunks on an elephant which was standing on a purple path than I said to yellowcloud as he undid my bandage“I really must be going” uhhh yellowcloud gave a gasp of amazement when I looked down at my arm and saw a dragon tattoo and was fascinated by the way the dragon crawled up his arm but also pondering how had it got there Yellow cloud exclaimed in awe “ you’ve been marked with the eye of the thunderbird then he handed me a jewel bead bracelet and told me when I spin it over my head the closest thunderbird would arrive to my aid I climbed upon the elephant and set off once more on my journey.
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Part 5: The Kingdom Of Giants
ZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZ “huh” something landed upon my resting head I had weird but amazing dreams like coming across huge gates, getting sent on a quest, following a purple path, dodging booby traps, falling off a cliff, getting healed by the cloud people (Thunder clan), getting tattooed, meeting a dragon, getting a jewel beaded bracelet and riding on a elephant that has three trunks and a sleeping tiger.
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Part 6: The Year 2799
This is my Writing WK2 sorry I haven't completed part 6 hope you enjoy. Blog ya later.
Writing WK1
WALT vary our sentences
Modelling book
Day 1: The Forbidden Tower
Walking down the cauldersack with a bag chocca full of candy with a thought like usain bolt running through my mind about a spooky tale I had just heard at the halloween party I’d been invited even though I didn’t believe the story it was stuck in my mind apparently accordingly to the story on a dark night with a full moon at 10:PM a gaping cave appeared at the end of the road where it met the cliff face it said there should be stairs made of bone with freshly dead people perfectly preserved in the cave from long ago with blood dripping down the walls all killed by deadly and fatal booby traps and if you survived the traps and got to the top of the long, bumpy and slippery (from blood) bone staircase there was a castle known as the forbidden tower what's inside no one knows cause none have lived to tell the tale.
Day 2: The Golden Key
“Drip drip” blood was dripping from my forehead mingled with my sweat as it fell on to the gore covered floor to lie with the warm blood shed by others whos clean immaculate pale bone lay forgotten in dark corners I had made it to the massive gates I took a step forward CCCCCCRRRRRRRRRCCCCKKKKKKKKK a loud crack sounded I looked down at my chest thinking I'd been shot but there was no wound I looked down further and felt sick I had stepped in a human rib cage SHHHHHHHHHhssppphz the ground sparked as I jumped back in surprise a figure cloaked in black arose from the smoke when I tried to see his face I could see nothing but a mass of swirling darkness as I was staring in wonder at him a bright purple light blinked out of the darkness which was his face wow I exclaimed “cool eyes!” he replied to me “my name is Charon ferryman of the underworld these eyes are cause I am a descendant of the king of thee endermen created by thy great and mighty herobrine and of the original Charon the greek ferryman to the underworld, but I am known as the Charon for the Greek underworld and minecraft nether and end”. I reeled back stunned ”and I will help you complete your Quest you must follow the purple path but there will be traps along the way” Charon informed as he gestured ant a large expanse of water. What purple path and anyways I’ll sink if I try to walk over the water I asked “this path” he waved his arm in front of my eyes and when I looked back at the water a purple path was illuminated he said you will know where the traps are.
Day 3: The Edge of the World
Following the purple path I had travelled for days on end without sleep Charon had been correct as traps had been scattered on my journey but the purple stuff had protected my eyelids started drooping I suddenly slipped with my next step and saw that I had stepped onto a large area of ice thud my head hit a rock with a thud as I slipped off a cliff and the snow I had seen was really clouds the last thing I saw was a man standing over me dressed in furs then lifting me up my eyes shut I was dead I thought then everything turned black.
This is my Writing WK1 hope ya like. Blog ya later
WALT vary our sentences
Modelling book
Day 1: The Forbidden Tower
Walking down the cauldersack with a bag chocca full of candy with a thought like usain bolt running through my mind about a spooky tale I had just heard at the halloween party I’d been invited even though I didn’t believe the story it was stuck in my mind apparently accordingly to the story on a dark night with a full moon at 10:PM a gaping cave appeared at the end of the road where it met the cliff face it said there should be stairs made of bone with freshly dead people perfectly preserved in the cave from long ago with blood dripping down the walls all killed by deadly and fatal booby traps and if you survived the traps and got to the top of the long, bumpy and slippery (from blood) bone staircase there was a castle known as the forbidden tower what's inside no one knows cause none have lived to tell the tale.
Day 2: The Golden Key
“Drip drip” blood was dripping from my forehead mingled with my sweat as it fell on to the gore covered floor to lie with the warm blood shed by others whos clean immaculate pale bone lay forgotten in dark corners I had made it to the massive gates I took a step forward CCCCCCRRRRRRRRRCCCCKKKKKKKKK a loud crack sounded I looked down at my chest thinking I'd been shot but there was no wound I looked down further and felt sick I had stepped in a human rib cage SHHHHHHHHHhssppphz the ground sparked as I jumped back in surprise a figure cloaked in black arose from the smoke when I tried to see his face I could see nothing but a mass of swirling darkness as I was staring in wonder at him a bright purple light blinked out of the darkness which was his face wow I exclaimed “cool eyes!” he replied to me “my name is Charon ferryman of the underworld these eyes are cause I am a descendant of the king of thee endermen created by thy great and mighty herobrine and of the original Charon the greek ferryman to the underworld, but I am known as the Charon for the Greek underworld and minecraft nether and end”. I reeled back stunned ”and I will help you complete your Quest you must follow the purple path but there will be traps along the way” Charon informed as he gestured ant a large expanse of water. What purple path and anyways I’ll sink if I try to walk over the water I asked “this path” he waved his arm in front of my eyes and when I looked back at the water a purple path was illuminated he said you will know where the traps are.
Day 3: The Edge of the World
Following the purple path I had travelled for days on end without sleep Charon had been correct as traps had been scattered on my journey but the purple stuff had protected my eyelids started drooping I suddenly slipped with my next step and saw that I had stepped onto a large area of ice thud my head hit a rock with a thud as I slipped off a cliff and the snow I had seen was really clouds the last thing I saw was a man standing over me dressed in furs then lifting me up my eyes shut I was dead I thought then everything turned black.
This is my Writing WK1 hope ya like. Blog ya later
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Fav sport graph
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